the cabin is a good, quiet place to hang out and do art. lots of mossy trees and fog and good light coming in through the glass. only chickens around these days to keep me company; plenty of wood in the wood shed. the well has only failed once this week, reminding me just how much i used to take luxuries for granted, such as readily available drinking (and washing) water. living in the city was not good for me. as for my newest discoveries-- i've gotten better at baking bread and sitting still. i like having no cell phone, no internet and no traffic. all of this stillness makes me realize how much noise was in my brain for so many years. i think it's getting quieter now...
natural rhythm, better pace, nice...
enjoy the shortest day,
with the longest shadows.
Calming the chatter, is key.
You should check out Jeff Hull in Cannon Beach...
Not all surf centric, but alot.
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