some dude got real cranky with me a few days ago when he noticed that i was without the "safety" of a 10 foot rubber cord attached to my ankle. those that, when stretched at the end of a 9'8" 27 pound bludgeoning device could really do some damage to anything (skulls, as one example) within a 20 foot radius of said ankle. he claims to have been surfing for 40 years.
i laughed (quietly, to myself) and proceeded to tip toe around on my board for a few hours without causing any trouble. i did enjoy watching, from the safety of a nice little shoulder, the collision of several well leashed (well heeled?) and completely unpoised men/boards etc in a lovely little display of what i like to call lackofselfcontrol. goddam i luv it. never dull.
i'm getting a surf mat, and you can be sure i will not be hassling anybody for their danger factors in relation to my soft little underbelly freestyle mushmula.
dude how can you shred the yeti without a leash. yah/.
magical powers and lots of resolve
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