Monday, November 17, 2014

Aug. 28, 2014 Big Lake Youth Camp

 This scene is the scene I want to be part of...  Goats and sandals.  These people epitomize the awesomeness that can be found at every turn in Oregon...

 Perfect perch by Big Lake, with the tiny spire of Three Fingered Jack to the North:  the volcanic domes mark the path, delineate progress, provide perspective.

 my tired, tired feet.

 Free food at the Big Lake Youth Camp.  Oh my dear god, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Journal Entry: Mile 1188 to 2001.3 + 1/   9:30am - 4:40pm/ 14.0 miles

"What a great spot!  Arrived here with mild trepidation but was instantly greeted warmly.  Got my resupply box + was shown to free showers, laundry + food!! Dinner was basically a pasta buffet, salad, bread + choc. brownies.  I wanted to eat twice but didn't want to be rude.  Charged my phone + have to spend time here tomorrow calling folks.  Also:  the hiker box here is off the hook! I could supply for the whole trip! 
Good to be alone today + remember my own rhythms.  the lava was painful + I was glad to go slow.  The 13 miles w/o water was a little tricky, but again, I like the solo challenges.  Saw a guy in flip-flops walking the lava.  He also had 2 goats!  I spent a large part of the day thinking about P.B.  I'm kind of obsessed with his mystique, the silence, loyalty, kindness + resourcefulness despite so many vices.  Everyone does their best. "

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