Sunday, August 11, 2013

(always) running in/to oregon

I am on a short leash.  Oregon always drawing me back in...

Home for a brief spell this weekend.  I was so happy to run with Faron and Liz this morning in Corvallis, a jaunt made even more awesome by the reward of fresh wild berries and apples awaiting us at the end of our little adventure. It feels good to pretend, for a  minute, like I'm home where I can slow down for a few days and breathe, away from the craziness of California.

We gathered these gems (piled them into shirts and frisbees and other small vessels) and brought them to Maureen and Paul's post-wedding waffle breakfast, ate heartily, then, sadly, had to say good bye to our dear friends and head to the the airport, back to jet planes waiting to whisk us away to our respective "real" lives.   Sigh.

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