i've been riding my bicycle along the bay lately (the surf has been pretty crappy so i found a part time summer hobby) and a few days ago i noticed hand written signs for fresh tuna. i called a commericial fisherwoman friend and confirmed that indeed, tuna are in. so last night i went down to port dock 7 and scored a 25 pound tuna for 25 bucks. fuck yeah. i made my way home, a bag full of tuna loins, feeling pretty proud of myself for being so smart, so in tune with my local economy, so savvy.... i put some rice in the rice cooker and picked a huge salad out of my garden: lettuce, peas, radishes, nasturtiums. i fired up the grill and got a fire started in our back yard fire pit. i was expecting about 10 people for dinner, so i cut up 10 tuna steaks and then filled a gallon freezer bag with the rest of the tuna and froze it for later in the week.

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